✦ The products

Which are the nutritional benefits of the H!fibe products?

H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK products were meticulously formulated to enhance the nutritional profile of snack options for individuals looking for energy of good nutritional value. They offer sustainable nutrition, including a well-balanced proportion of proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and fats in accordance with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations.

H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK are suitable for anyone seeking a convenient and nutritious in-between meal option with a sound content of protein and fiber in a small volume.

How do the H!fibe products compare nutritionally to other soups and drinks on the market?

On a gram per gram basis, H!fibe LITEN soups and drinks present notable advantages when compared to ordinary soups and beverages commonly found in the market. They contain 3–4 times more protein, superior fat quality, as well as more energy and dietary fiber.

Are the H!fibe products classified as food or supplements?

H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK products are unequivocally classified as food, not supplements. They are exclusively composed of whole food ingredients chosen for their taste and nutritional properties, instead of the isolated components that are often found in both supplements and mainstream ready-to-eat snacks. Common ingredients like maltodextrin, protein isolates and isolated/synthetic dietary fibers are intentionally avoided to ensure a holistic nutritional package aligning with both health and sustainability goals.

Who are the H!Fibe products designed for?

H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK are good for people of any age. These products can satiate the needs of those seeking for a convenient and nutritious in-between meal option with a sound content of protein and fiber in a small volume.

Can the H!fibe products replace a full meal?

While H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK adheres to the “Nordic Nutrition Recommendations” in terms of its protein, fat, carbohydrate and dietary fiber composition, the products are not intended to substitute full meals. They are healthy snacks or in-between meals that complement a balanced diet.

Is isolated protein added to the H!fibe products?

No additional protein is added to the H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK in the form of isolates. The protein content is derived solely from the meticulously selected raw ingredients, such as oats and chickpeas. This deliberate choice ensures an authentic and good taste, eliminating the need for protein isolates commonly found in many other food products.

✦ General nutrition

How does dietary fiber contribute to health?

Dietary fiber evades digestion in the small bowel and advances to the colon/large bowel. Soluble fibers are digested slowly by intestinal microbiota, and during their metabolic processing create molecules that can positively impact human health. Insoluble fibers are only minimally digested and facilitate regular bowel movements. Fiber-rich foods, such as whole grains, vegetables, legumes, fruits, seeds and nuts, are also rich in vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (sometimes referred to as “antioxidants”). The inclusion of fiber-rich foods promotes our gut health, reduce blood cholesterol and glucose levels, aid digestion and mitigate constipation.

Why are intrinsic fiber-rich foods superior to low-fiber foods enriched with isolated fibers?

In contrast to isolated fibers, often added to manufactured foods, inherent fiber-rich foods offer a broader nutritional spectrum. These foods contain not only fibers but also essential vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals (generally known as “antioxidants"), as well as good quality macronutrients (protein, carbs, fiber and fat). Adding isolated fibers to low-fiber products may increase fiber content but, lack the nutritionally essential co-passengers that contribute to the health benefits linked to fiber-rich foods. Regulatory agencies such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advocate for the inclusion of naturally occurring, intrinsic fibers, emphasizing the significance of whole foods over isolates.

What defines protein adequacy and its significance for health?

Protein adequacy is essential for maintaining proper nutrition, throughout life and no exception during the ageing process. Protein adequacy is based on its amino acid composition and proteins from plant sources vary in their proportions of the different amino acids. H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK combine the complementary amino acid profiles of oats and chickpeas, resulting in a complete amino acid profile.

How does fat quality affect health?

Observational studies highlight the negative effect of saturated fats on age-related diseases like hypertension and atherosclerosis. Dietary guidelines worldwide therefore recommend replacing saturated fats with unsaturated alternatives. The predominantly unsaturated fat content of H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK, coupled with minimal saturated fats, aligns with the recommendations aimed at reducing these health risks.

✦ Potential health benefits

What nutritional advantages do oats and chickpeas offer?

Oats, with their balanced macronutrient composition, offer an optimal array of protein, fat, and carbohydrates essential for human nutrition. Oats are also renowned for their superior fiber content, comprised of both soluble and insoluble fibers. Additionally, chickpeas are a good source of protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and polyunsaturated fats and has been consumed by humans since ancient time due to its good nutritional properties. When a cereal (oats) and a grain/pulse (chickpeas) are combined, their individual amino acid profiles deficiencies are solved since their profiles are complementary, providing a superior quality to the final product, adequate for protein human needs.

How do oats and chickpeas contribute to cardiovascular health?

Oats have proven to lower total and LDL cholesterol levels, mitigating the risk of cardiovascular disease. This fact has been acknowledged by health authorities such as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Experimental research also suggests anti-inflammatory properties by oats, which could further contribute to the heart health prevention. Chickpeas also display potential in reducing cholesterol, attributed to their soluble fibers, certain fatty acids, and other bioactive compounds.

How do oats and chickpeas promote gut health?

Oats bear an EFSA-approved claim for digestive functions due to their fiber content. They enhance fecal bulk, fostering healthy digestion and regular bowel function. Chickpea consumption has been associated with improved gut health, manifested as increased frequency and easiness of defecation, related with softer stool consistency. Both ingredients influence the gut microbiota, fostering potential benefits for gut health.

✦ Aging and malnutrition

How do nutritional requirements change late in life?

As humans age, our nutritional requirements change and the risk of malnourishment increase. Due to a reduction in muscle and bone mass and a reduced physical activity, the energy requirements tend to be lower, but the need for nutrients remains unchanged. Since the appetite is also commonly reduced there is a need for a nutrient dense diet. Ageing is also associated with reduced species richness and increased variability of the gut microbiota composition, which in some recent research has been correlated with cognitive decline, chronic inflammation and various age-related diseases. What we eat have a huge impact on the composition of the gut microbiota and dietary interventions can help maintain intestinal health and thereby prevent or delay the onset of these diseases.

What are the health risks and costs of elderly malnutrition?

Inadequate nutrition renders the elderly susceptible to bone and muscle loss, weakened immunity, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, cancer, pressure ulcers and diminished recovery capacity. Additionally, gastrointestinal symptoms, such as constipation and diarrhea, are widespread in the ageing population, with a prevalence of between 50-70%. Also, malnourished seniors exhibit heightened healthcare utilization, longer hospital stays, escalated risk of complications and mortality. Elderly malnutrition burdens healthcare systems and translates to higher costs, estimated at €120 billion annually in the European Union.

How does the H!fibe products contribute to healthy aging?

H!fibe EN LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK addresses elderly malnutrition by offering a nutritious, convenient snack. It bridges nutritional gaps with its balanced proportion and good quality protein, fat, carbohydrate and dietary fiber, while potential health benefits linked to oats and chickpeas can provide a positive impact on cardiovascular health, as well as gut health.

✦ Sustainability aspects

Are the H!fibe products vegan?

While the EN LITEN DRYCK is entirely plant-based, the EN LITEN SOPPA contains chicken stock for enhanced taste and protein content.

How does H!fibe contribute to sustainability?

The H!fibe LITEN SOPPA/DRYCK utilize plant-based ingredients and contribute to a nutritionally sound diet. This aligns with the "Good Health & Wellbeing" goal of agenda 2030 (an agenda for sustainable development by the United Nations). The emphasis on plant-based constituents to produce convenient and tasty products, also contributes to a reduced environmental impact, supporting the agenda’s 2030 goals "Climate Action," "Innovation and Sustainable Industry" and "Responsible Consumption and Production."